
Sizes of Baby Car Seats

Sizes of Baby Car Seats

Sizes of baby car seats often indicate the minimum and maximum weight that they can support, the specific dimensions of the car seat and sometimes, the maximum length of the baby that it can comfortably fit. Baby car seats that measure 19 inches high, 18.75 inches wide and 27.5 inches long can support a baby who measures up to 30 inches long and weighs from 5 pounds up to 30 pounds.

Truck Sizes

Truck Sizes

Trucks today come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, as customers and buyers have become more demanding. By assessing the dimensions of a truck, you’ll be able to make the appropriate purchase. Besides the physical size, there are other features of trucks that should be evaluated by the buyer.

Spark Plug Size Chart

Spark Plug Size Chart

As one of the most important parts of internal combustion engines, a spark plug is necessary to ignite various kinds of compressed fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol and aerosol gasoline. This electrical device is comprised of different parts such as the ribs, insulator and terminal. To understand it better, it is good to know the different spark plug sizes.