
Trash Can Dimensions

Trash Can Dimensions

Trash can dimensions are dictated by how and where a garbage container is to be used. Moreover, measurements of garbage cans differ according to the shapes the cans come in. In the design of a trash container, function and shape should have topmost consideration.

Tap Drill Sizes

Tap Drill Sizes

Tap drills are used in a variety of applications, with different specifications available. One of the most common standards used today is the BSP. Explore the world of tap drill sizes and the difference between parallel and tapered threads.

Size of Toilet Seat Locks

Size of Toilet Seat Locks

To keep babies out of harm’s way when they wander into the bathroom in the house, it is important to keep the toilet lids locked. You will find that the size of toilet seat locks that is widely available is suitable for most standard toilet seats. This ranges from 5 inches long by 4.5 inches wide with the locking part measuring 3 inches wide; to 14 inches long and 2.5 inches wide with the locking part measuring around 7 inches long.

Pin Sizes

Pin Sizes

Understanding pin sizes is essential for anyone who wants to get into homemaking. With a correct comprehension of pin sizes, choosing the appropriate one for the task at hand will be a less complicated matter.

Lemon Reamer Sizes

Lemon Reamer Sizes

A lemon reamer can be used for squeezing juice from citrus fruits. The size of a lemon reamer depends on the manufacturer, and this can affect its reaming ability. Another factor that should be looked into is the handle, as it determines how comfortable it will be to use.

Kitchenette Sizes

Kitchenette Sizes

On the average, kitchenette sizes are usually 80 square feet or a little over than that. Do not worry about such a minute space available because there are design solutions that you can do to make it cozy and functional, much like a full-sized kitchen!