
Rugby Field Dimensions

Rugby Field Dimensions

Not all rugby field dimensions are the same. The various forms of rugby football do not only differ in rules and laws of the game but also in the dimensions of the field of play. However, you will notice that the playing fields will seem to have only a few variations regarding its dimensions.

Archery Target Dimensions

Archery Target Dimensions

Target archery is a modern competitive sport governed by the Federation Internationale de Tir a l’Arc or FITA. This fun and exciting game challenges the precision and accuracy of archers. Aside from these facts, there are other interesting things to know about it including the different archery target dimensions.

Sports Wheelchair Size

Sports Wheelchair Size

The sports wheelchair size is one of the many factors to consider when purchasing a wheelchair for a particular adaptive sport. It should be noted that the size of the wheelchair has a direct effect on a player’s performance. Other factors like price, player experience, and budget also comes into play.

Golf Swing Length

Golf Swing Length

There are two competing ideas with regard to golf swing length. One side of the argument recommends long and short swings depending on different factors. The other side of the issue deems that the issues behind the swing should be corrected and not the swing itself.