
Photo Dimensions

Photo Dimensions

Although the 4 x 6 is very common, there are other photo dimensions available. To take pictures properly, being aware of the different print sizes is a must. Discover facts about photo dimensions, ratios and how these affect image output and cropping.

Business Card Sizes

Business Card Sizes

Business cards are an effective way of networking and sharing a bit about your business to prospective clients and partners. Taking into consideration business card sizes that you may want to use plus the information and design of the card can tremendously help you come-up with an effective business card.

Cabin Baggage Size

Cabin Baggage Size

The cabin baggage size can vary per airline, but many use the guidelines set up by the IATA. The weight limits set by the airlines also vary greatly. If you are going to board an airline, there are certain rules and regulations that must be followed.

Size of a Pantry

Size of a Pantry

The pantry is a room or cabinet used for storing food in the house. There are many ways to arrange food in the pantry including using shelves. Understand the pantry dimensions used in homes and how you can make the most of the space you have.

Parasol Size Guide

Parasol Size Guide

The parasol is a device used by people to shield them from the heat of the sun. However, parasol also have other uses, including playing roles in religious rituals. Before buying one, familiarity with the different parasol sizes will be necessary.