
Human Average Height

Human Average Height

The human average height is not the same for all countries. Other than the cultural divide there are also other factors that affect individual height. Calculating the average human height will require one to consider all the various factors and arrive at the closest possible estimate.

Asian Shoe Sizes

Asian Shoe Sizes

To help you find the right shoe size for you no matter what measuring system is used, you can check out size guides and conversions; i.e. from European sizes to Asian shoe sizes. In Europe for instance, a size 35 is equivalent to Japan Men 21.5 and Japan Women 21.

Passport Photo Size

Passport Photo Size

When applying for a passport, it is important that you follow the required passport photo size in order for your application to be processed. In the US, photo size should be 2 inches by 2 inches; while in Australia, photo size should be a minimum of 45 millimeters by 35 millimeters. Check with your government agency about the specific photo dimensions to ensure that you are submitting the right photo size.

Worlds Biggest Zit

Worlds Biggest Zit

Many people suffer from zits or pimples, especially those who are in the stage of puberty. In worse situations, they can even cause these individuals to develop low self-esteem. Besides these facts, it is also interesting to find out the size of the biggest zit in the world.