
Common Window Sizes

Common Window Sizes

While there is no “one-size-fits-all” for windows, there are a few common window sizes that you may want to consider particularly if you opt to go with prefab windows. Window heights start at 450 millimeters up to 1500 millimeters while widths start at 488 millimeters up to 1770 millimeters.

Sprinkler Sizes

Sprinkler Sizes

Sprinklers can be used for watering gardens during summer days or for recreational activities. Sprinkler dimensions are important, but even more so is the device’s water coverage. Other vital factors to assess are its material makeup and patterns.

Twin Bed Dimensions

Twin Bed Dimensions

Twin beds or single beds suit the space that is commonly allotted for guestrooms or children bedrooms. The beds have different dimensions or measurements. To know which mattress fits a particular single bed frame, it is best to look at the common types of twin bed available in the various regions of the world.