
Window Sizes

Window Sizes

Window sizes actually vary based on your preference and the part of the house that you will be installing them. You need to take three specific measurements in order to come-up with a window replacement that will fit into your available opening. These measurements are your window’s width, height and depth.

Trash Can Dimensions

Trash Can Dimensions

Trash can dimensions are dictated by how and where a garbage container is to be used. Moreover, measurements of garbage cans differ according to the shapes the cans come in. In the design of a trash container, function and shape should have topmost consideration.

Kitchenette Sizes

Kitchenette Sizes

On the average, kitchenette sizes are usually 80 square feet or a little over than that. Do not worry about such a minute space available because there are design solutions that you can do to make it cozy and functional, much like a full-sized kitchen!

Hot Tub Dimensions

Hot Tub Dimensions

Hot tub dimensions are diverse, as manufacturers come up with different shapes and features. Some of the better known shapes are the Octagon, Natural Kidney and Large Waterfall. Apart from their different dimensions, their full and empty weights differ too.

Area Rug Sizes

Area Rug Sizes

Many area rug sizes are available for the serious home designer. Numerous styles and shapes are available such as oval and round. Before you buy any of these rugs, there are several factors that have to be considered.

Kitchen Cabinet Dimensions

Kitchen Cabinet Dimensions

Kitchen renovation should be well-planned especially the areas where the kitchen cabinets will be placed. Following the required dimensions is essential to achieve a good-looking place for your meals and entertaining your guests. Have the basic knowledge of kitchen cabinet dimensions to ensure that the renovation will go smoothly as planned.