
Biggest Zit

Biggest Zit

Having a zit is quite normal, especially for those who are still in the stage of puberty. Aside from the face, it can also affect other body parts like the chest and the back. There are other interesting things to learn about it including details about the size of the biggest zit.

Average Size Of Newborn

Average Size Of Newborn

A newborn is also referred to as a baby or infant, which are terms used to refer to the offspring of human beings. This word pertains to full-term newborns, post mature infants as well as premature infants. Besides these basic facts, it is also important to know the average size of newborns.

The Biggest Pimple

The Biggest Pimple

Pimples are caused by different factors, one of which is blocked skin pores. They are commonly found on the skin of certain individuals, specifically those who have oily, dirty and unhealthy skin. For a better understanding of this kind of skin condition, it is good to know the size of the world’s biggest pimple.