
Nail Gun Dimensions

Nail Gun Dimensions

A nail gun can take away a lot of the drudgery involved in repair and building. Gain a better understanding of nail gun dimensions and how their capabilities differ. To use a nail gun, knowledge of the brads it can use and its other features will be required.

Drill Sizes

Drill Sizes

Drill size charts can be utilized to help you understand what drill bit sizes to use. There are many sizing convections used, including fractions and the metric system. Understand the different drill size charts and what the numbers represent.

Dimensions of a Hollow Block

Dimensions of a Hollow Block

Sometimes referred to as foundation block, cement block or concrete block, a hollow block is defined as a concrete masonry unit. It is widely used especially when constructing different kinds of structures including dining areas, shower stalls as well as car washes. Besides these facts, it is also quite interesting to learn something about the different dimensions of a hollow block.

Ladder Sizes

Ladder Sizes

Ladder sizes are based on the height level that you want to reach. There are stepladders and extension ladders that you can use for your tasks at hand. Extension ladders are often used for outdoor jobs.