
Socks Size

Socks Size

Even the best looking wallpaper won’t look good if it doesn’t fit in properly. Choose the right wallpaper size by making the right measurements and calculations. Use tips on sizing up wallpaper and avoid mismatched patterns.

Bathtub Sizes

Bathtub Sizes

Bathtub sizes come in several different dimensions giving you plenty of options to pick the right size for your bathroom or your reserved space. The standard bathroom size is roughly about 30 inches wide by 60 inches long by 20 inches deep. Common sizes include a tub that measures 39 inches wide by 58 inches long by 22 inches deep.

Sizes of Exercise Gloves

Sizes of Exercise Gloves

Sizes of exercise gloves are usually indicated as Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large and Double Extra Large. The sizes differ depending on whether the gloves are for men or for women and both of these are basically determined by the circumference of the person’s hand. Men’s sizes typically start at 6.5 inches while women’s start at 6 inches.

Size of a Closet

Size of a Closet

The closet is used to store clothes and properly designed, help organize your room. There are many ways to arrange clothes on the closet, including using shelves and containers. Use the right closet dimensions and keep your stuff organized.