
What is the Biggest Turtle?

What is the Biggest Turtle?

Turtles are highly interesting reptiles that belong to the order Testudines. They are known to have cartilaginous or bony shells, which serve as their shield against predators and other factors. In addition to these facts, there are more to learn about this particular type of reptile including the size of the biggest turtle.

Smallest Gecko

Smallest Gecko

The gecko is a lizard that lies in tropical areas and feeds in insects. There are several types of geckos and they have unique characteristics and traits. Get familiar with the smallest gecko in the world and other gecko types.

Fastest Dolphin

Fastest Dolphin

The fastest dolphin in the world is the Killer Whale. It can swim up to a maximum speed of 56 kilometers per hour. Although technically known as a whale, by genetics, this whale is really a dolphin that belongs to the Family Delphinidae.