
Bobbin Sizes

Bobbin Sizes

Bobbin sizes are classified as L Class, M Class and Class 15. Each bobbin size has unique properties that must be understood by the user. Use tips on proper usage of bobbins and avoid mistakes in the sewing process.

Socks Size

Socks Size

Even the best looking wallpaper won’t look good if it doesn’t fit in properly. Choose the right wallpaper size by making the right measurements and calculations. Use tips on sizing up wallpaper and avoid mismatched patterns.

Car Bumper Dimensions

Car Bumper Dimensions

Found at the rear-most and front-most parts of a car, the bumper is a highly important part of a car. It helps sustain tremendous impact and prevents the onset of damage to the safety systems of the vehicle. Besides these interesting facts, it is also good to know something about car bumper dimensions.