
Bike Dimensions

Bike Dimensions

Bikes have evolved to assume different sizes and sport various features. There are now many types of bikes, including mountain bikes and those made for kids. Gather insights into different bike dimensions and the different specs they possess.

Biggest Cruise Ship

Biggest Cruise Ship

Cruise ships have become symbols of luxury and elegance, and they are also known for their immense dimensions. Through the years, cruise ships of various sizes have been developed. Get insights into the world’s biggest cruise ship and all the pertinent stats.

Car Bumper Dimensions

Car Bumper Dimensions

Found at the rear-most and front-most parts of a car, the bumper is a highly important part of a car. It helps sustain tremendous impact and prevents the onset of damage to the safety systems of the vehicle. Besides these interesting facts, it is also good to know something about car bumper dimensions.

Sizes of Car Floor Mats

Sizes of Car Floor Mats

There are various sizes of car floor mats, depending on what type of vehicle you have. However, to make shopping easier you can also find universal sizes which are designed to fit most cars. Universal sizes are generally around 27 inches long by 18 inches wide for the front mats and 17 inches wide by 13 inches in long for the rear mats.

Sizes of Car Stereos

Sizes of Car Stereos

Sizes of car stereos are around 7 inches in width by 6.1 inches in depth by 2 inches in height. When it comes to car stereos however, sizes are secondary options. The more important consideration is the number of features the stereo has and how high-tech these are. Some units have a GPS tracker as well as a video player.