
Celsius to Fahrenheit

Celsius to Fahrenheit

Sometimes it becomes necessary to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. Though most countries have preferred to standardize their temperature scales to Celsius, the United States and some countries still prefer to use this temperature scale. Converting to Fahrenheit from Celsius won’t require a lot of math.

Ruby Sizes

Ruby Sizes

Because of their extreme rarity, ruby sizes expressed in carats affect the prices of these precious gemstones on an exponential basis. This means that the larger it is, the more expensive it becomes on a per carat basis.

Longest Nails

Longest Nails

Lee Redmond used to hold the record for the longest nails in the world with her fingernails measuring a total length of 28 ft. and 4.5 inches. Prior to her, there was another record-holder, Shridhar Chillal who’s left fingernails had a total length of over twenty feet.