
Frame Sizes

Frame Sizes

There are many frame sizes available today, from small 3 x 3 inch frames to those big enough for paintings. Aside from the frame sizes, the design of the frame has to be considered by a buyer as well. Get insights into frame sizes and how to choose the right one.

Lantern Sizes

Lantern Sizes

Nothing lightens up your camping trip like a well made lantern. If you need one for that next outing, the lantern size and its power has to be considered. Equip yourself with a lantern and do away with camping in the dark.

Tatami Sizes

Tatami Sizes

Tatami is use as a traditional flooring in most houses in Japan for centuries now. Sizes of tatami are generally similar but there are slight differences in some regions in Japan. The number of tatami laid out on the floor is the usual indication of the size of the room in a house.

Queen Bed Dimensions

Queen Bed Dimensions

Most people think that all queen beds are the same. There are however three different queen bed dimensions and sizes. Knowing the difference between a standard sized queen bed from an Olympic size and a California Queen will make picking the right bed easier.

Dimension of a Hallway

Dimension of a Hallway

The hallway is a vital feature in many homes as it can make traffic flow in the house smoother. There are many hallway dimensions you can use but it will depend on several factors. By examining the various hallway dimensions used, you will be able to utilize it more effectively.