Worlds Biggest Metro Areas

Listings of the world’s biggest metro areas are almost always classified by population and not the actual area size. The figures given are approximates. Also keep in mind that some experts disagree on what actually constitutes a metropolitan area. 
Note: the areas are in sq km. 
Number 1 to 10
Number one is Tokyo, Japan. The population estimate is 32,450,000. The area is 8,014. Number two is Seoul-Incheon-Gyeonggi, South Korea with a population of 20,550,000. The area size is 5,076. At number 3 is Mexico City, Mexico. Its population has been estimated to be 20,450,000. The area measures 7,346. 
The number 4 slot is occupied by New York City of the United States. It has a population of 19,750,000 spread over an area measuring 17,884. Number five is Mumbai, India. The population has been estimated at 19,200,000. The area measures 2,350. 
The number six spot is held by Jakarta, Indonesia. It has a population estimated at 18,900,000. The area measures 5,100. At number 7 is Sao Paulo, Brazil. It has a population of 18,850,000 and an area measuring 8,479. The number eight spot is occupied by Delhi, India. The population has been estimated at 18,600,000. The area measures 3,182. 
At number 9 is Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto, Japan. The population has been put at 17,375,000. The area measures 6,930. The number ten slot is held by Shanghai, China. The population estimate is 16,650,000. The total area is 5,177. 
World’s Biggest Metro Areas: Number 11 to 20
Metro Manila, Philippines occupies the number 11 slot. Its population has been estimated to be 16,300,000. The area is 2,521. Hong Kong-Shenzhen occupies the twelfth slot. It has a total area of 3,051 and a population of 15,800,000. Los Angeles, USA is at number 13. The total area is 10,780 and the population 15,250,000. 
Kolkata, India is at number 14. The population has been estimated to be around 15,100,000. The total area is 1,785. Moscow, Russia is at number 15 with a population of 15,000,000 and an area of 14,925. Greater Cairo, 
Egypt is at the number 16 slot. It has a population of 14,450,000. The area is 1,600. At number 17 is Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. It has a population of 13,170,000 and an area of 10,888. 
At number 18 is London, population 12,875,000, area 11,391). At the number 19 spot is Beijing, China, population 12,500,000, area 6,562. At number 20 in the list of the world’s biggest metro areas is Karachi, Pakistan, population 11,800,000, area 1,100. 

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